sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010

Moonlight – Bed time Story by AngeL & Van &cop

Elena was a sad and a lonely girl. Everyone has always known her like that: a cold girl who used to wear black clothes, black make-up and walked with her head down. She used to live with her grandmother and her mother. Her father - a rich man – had abandoned her and her mother; but Elena knew it was because of her mother’s poorness. And she used to ask herself: Why do the people always care about the money and social classes?
Now, Elena lives all alone in her grandmother’s chalet. Clarisse – Elena’s mother – had gone away a month ago, and all she had left was a shit of paper with a message on it:

“ Dear Elena, please forgive me. I know how sad you are and how sad you’ll get when you’ll find yourself alone in that town. Forgive me, you know I wasn’t ok, I had to live. I will try really hard to give you a better life. I’ll be there soon, you’ll see. I left you some money in grandmother’s old wardrobe. You can find its key in your music box. Please take care of you, Elena.”

Since her mother’s departure, Elena could only cry. Her life was confined to school and home. Even the teachers did not give her any importance, and saw her as an hopeless case. Elena read her mother’s message a last time, and left some tears fall down over her face. Seeing that her mother would not come really soon, Elena decided to continue her life. She walked to her grandmother's room and - with the key she had taken from the music box – opened the old wardrobe with some difficulty, because the wood was a bit warped.

There, she found a box with some money, but there was something more nailed on the wardrobe’s background, but Elena couldn’t see it clearly. What could it be? She could only see a light coming from it. So, she decided to light a candle. And when she finally saw what it was, Elena uttered a sudden little cry.

- It’s a mirror. – She stuttered, hardly daring to believe it.

Still, she couldn’t clearly see it, so she carefully held it on her harms and took it to the living room.

- The light from the fireplace, will help me to see and observe it clearly. – she thought to herself.

But when she was placing the mirror on the floor, she inadvertently broke one of the mirror’s corners. That’s when Elena found out there was a lunar calendar with the moon phases and a message written on the glass. She read:

“After the end of the cycle
The Darkness will return”

Something was wrong. That sentence didn’t make any sense, and seemed to be incomplete. So, Elena looked to the broken piece of glass, and found the rest of the sentence and read it all from the beginning.

“After the end of the cycle
The Darkness will return
And the one, whose past was hidden
by the red line, will reborn.”

Elena also noticed that the message was inverted, as if it had been written from the inside of the mirror. As if there was someone inside the mirror. Suddenly, she noticed that today's date was marked on the mirror and then, something or someone began to emerge in the mirror. It was actually someone…A boy! The boy who used to appear in Elena’s dreams. His eyes were black, incredibly expressive, and beautiful and were staring her. His clothes were also black; and the hair was falling slightly over his face which had a carved rare form.

Elena was petrified. Then the familiar voice of her dreams said:

- Can you hear me? Please save me. – And disappeared.

Elena couldn’t understand. It was too confusing to her. Why was this boy in that mirror? Why did he ask her for help and then disappeared without an explanation? She wanted to know, she wanted to save him. In fact, she wanted him.

So, Elena looked at the lunar cycle, and saw that the moon would come again in three days.

- Would that guy appear again? – She asked herself.

For three days Elena waited and waited and waited. And when the third day came, the moon appeared, and something emerged. It was another sentence. Elena read it.

“Be its lucky life.
Salvation and love vanished among tears on a red ending.”

And then the boy appeared.

- Who are you? – Elena asked anxiously.

- Someone who’s been stuck in the shadow. – He answered unhesitatingly.

- Are you a ghost? An angel? I do not understand ...

- The truth is that I do not know, I do not remember, I just know that I know you and want to be with you. Take me out, only you can do it. Please. - He begged her.

- But how ? –Elena asked.

- Only you have the answer, only you have the key. – He finally said and disappeared again.

Elena couldn’t stand still, she had to do something. So, for another time she looked at the mirror and read the message again, noticing there were also three numbers beside it.

“Be its lucky life.
Salvation and love vanished among tears on a red ending”

The numbers were 1/8/9. Elena started to think...that sentence made even less sense than the first one. After a few tries she just picked the initials of each word which formed a name: Bill. The boy’s first name was Bill. Then, she did the same with the rest. Bill Salvatoare was his name. And what were the numbers for?

- It could be the date of his birth. – Elena thought.

- 1998? – No, too young!

- 1989? Or just 1899?

Elena had found his name and a possible birthday date. She didn’t know what he was. A ghost, an angel? She had to find out. So, she decided to go to the cemetery. Through some tombs she found a gravestone with a black moon, which contained the name of Bill Salvatoare 1899.

She automatically began to cry, and when her tears touched the stone, images of another life came to her mind, as souvenirs. In a past life, Elena and Bill had been lovers. Their love was sincere, but still was forbidden because of social issues.

He had been killed in front of Elena, when he was only 19 years old, and swore to her, with some difficulty, that the death would not separate him from her. He promised to her, that their love would remain forever.

With regret, Elena shut herself in her room and stood there for months, where her only company was a mirror. She stood there all alone until she died.

Elena came back to the present and went to her house. Now she knew what the red line was. With a piece of glass, she cut her hand and let the blood spurt over the mirror. Then Bill came up, the hands of both joined each other’s, and Elena could enter in the mirror.

The mirror now contains the soul of both, and over the years, was abandoned in the old chalet. Elena was reported missed by her family, her body has never been found. But the lunar cycle continues. And if the life line is released, they’ll return to this world. Only the mirror and time have the answer, but soon something or someone will reborn…

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